Citadele Bank

Information for clients on changes to the Citadele Bank Schedule of fees and charges from May 15th, 2019

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We would like to inform you that, as of May 15th, 2019, there will be changes to the Citadele Bank Schedule of fees and charges. The changes were made in order to reorganise the Schedule, simplify it and reduce the variety and number of items.

Most significant changes applying to both private customers and businesses:

  • Simplified commission deduction principle on payments with the OUR commission structure.
  • Commission fee changed regarding currency exchange for specific denominations, as well as coin and banknote processing.
  • Changes to the sections of the price list pertaining to Custodian Banks and Broker Services.

Most significant changes for private customers:

  • Change in fee for maintaining inactive accounts.
  • Change in commission fee for additional cards for a credit card.
  • Change in commision fee for payments from saving accounts.
  • No payment cards issued against a security deposit, as well as Maestro payment cards in USD.

Most significant changes for businesses:

  • Change in commission fee for urgent transfers in EUR to other banks.
  • No X Business and Maestro cards issued in USD.

To see all changes and the new edition of the Citadele Schedule of fees and charges, please visit the following sections of the Bank’s website:

Schedule of fees and charges for private customers
Schedule of fees and charges for corporate customers

In case of any questions, please contact us through our mobile app chat, online bank, by email at or by calling Citadele’s remote Service Centre, Sky Branch, at 6 701 00 00.

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