On January 1 and 2, 2015, the Citadele Bank will be launching modernisation of its IT system so as to introduce the new T24 version thereof. Please be aware that because of the upcoming holidays and this modernisation work, there will be changes in the acceptance and processing of orders on financial instrument transactions.
Financial instruments
- on December 24, orders on financial instrument transactions will be accepted and processed according to the relevant trading times of the particular execution venue in the respective day,
- on December 25, orders on financial instrument transactions will not be accepted,
The abovementioned restrictions will not concern those clients who place their orders via Quik platform according to the relevant trading times of the particular execution venue in the respective holiday,
- on December 26, orders on financial instrument transactions will be accepted and processed according to the relevant trading times of the particular execution venue in the respective day but started from 16.00 o’clock (Latvian time).
The abovementioned restrictions will not concern those clients who place their orders via Quik and Citadele FX Trader platforms according to the relevant trading times of the particular execution venue in the respective holiday,
- on December 31, orders on financial instrument transactions will not be accepted.
The abovementioned restrictions will not concern those clients who place their orders via Citadele US equities and Citadele FX Trader platform according to the relevant trading times of the particular execution venue in the respective holiday,
- on January 1, 2015, orders on financial instrument transactions will not be accepted,
- on January 2, 2015, orders on financial instrument transactions will not be accepted.
The abovementioned restrictions will not concern those clients who place their orders via Citadele US equities and Citadele FX Trader platforms according to the relevant trading times of the particular execution venue in the respective holiday,
- from December 24, 2014 till January 4, 2015 orders for receipt/transfer of financial instruments as well as instructions for corporate actions will not be accepted and processed.
Should you have any additional questions, please contact our brokers by phone +371 6 701 0555.
Your Citadele Bank