Citadele Bank

Changes to opening hours at our branches and customer service centres from December 23rd to January 1st

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If you are planning to visit the bank this Christmas period, please take note of the changes to the Citadele branch and customer service centre opening hours.  

Pre-holiday days (23rd and 30th December): 

  • Citadele’s branches will have shorter opening hours;  
  • Our customer service centres at Akropole and Alfa will be open as usual from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m.;  
  • Our Talsi branch will be closed.  

Holiday days (24th-26th December, and 31st December-1st January):  

  • Citadele’s branches will be closed;  
  • Our customer service centres at Akropole and Alfa will have shorter opening hours, from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m., and will be closed on January 1st. 

Instant payments and internal payments will still be available without interruption.  

Remember that our everyday banking services are also available in the mobile app. If you have any questions, contact us through the mobile app’s chat, by email at, or by sending us a message through the online bank.  

Merry Christmas! 

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