
Senior Preferred Bonds of AS Citadele banka

Issuer: AS Citadele banka
Regulated market: Nasdaq Riga Stock Exchange, Baltic Bond List
ISIN Code: LV0000804334
Currency of the issue: Euros (EUR)
Number of listed securities: 3,500
Nominal value of the Bond: € 10,000
Issue value: € 35,000,000
Annual Interest Rate: 5% until the interest rate reset date on 14 October 2025 EURIBOR 3 months plus 2.30% after the reset date
Issue Date: 14 October 2024
Maturity Date: 14 October 2026
Interest Payment Dates: dates specified in the Final Terms
Listing date:  15 October 2024
Rating Not rated
Prospectus and related information: Base prospectus Summary in  English, Latvian, Estonian, Initial Final Terms, Final Terms


Information about EUR 60,000,000 Fifth Unsecured Subordinated Bonds programme

Issuer: AS Citadele banka
Subscription period:      From 10:00 (EET time) on 25 March 2024 to 15:30 (EET time) on 3 April 2024
Regulated market: Nasdaq Riga Stock Exchange, Baltic Bond List
Tranche Number: 1 (this Series will consist of only one Tranche)
ISIN Code: LV0000803054
Currency of the issue: Euros (EUR)
Aggregate principal amount: € 20,000,000
Nominal value of the Bond: € 10,000
Issue Price: 100% of the Nominal Value of the Bond
Annual Interest Rate: 8%
Issue Date: 5 April 2024
Maturity Date: 5 April 2034
Interest Payment Dates: 5 April and 5 October each year
Listing date: 8 April 2024
Rating: Not rated
Prospectus and related information: Base Prospectus   Summary in English, Latvian, Lithuanian, Estonian   Initial Final terms Final Terms
About subordinated bonds: Information about the differences between investment in subordinated bonds and deposits in English, Latvian, Lithuanian, Russian


EUR 40,000,000 Fourth Unsecured Subordinated Bonds Programme

Issuer: AS Citadele banka
Regulated market: Nasdaq Riga Stock Exchange, Baltic Bond List
ISIN Code: LV0000880102
Nominal value: € 10,000
Number of securities: 4,000
Aggregate principal amount: € 40,000,000
Issue date: 13 December 2021
Maturity date: 13 December 2031
Annual Interest Rate: 5.00 %
Interest Payment Dates: 13 June and 13 December each year
Listing date: 14 December 2021 Nasdaq Riga Stock Exchange, Baltic Bond List
Rating: Not rated
Prospectus and related information: Base prospectus
Summary in English, Latvian, Lithuanian, Estonian
Initial Final Terms
Final Terms


Senior Unsecured Preferred EUR 200,000,000 Fixed/ Floating Rate Notes of AS "Citadele banka"

Issuer: AS Citadele banka
Regulated market: Euronext Dublin, Official List
Nasdaq Riga Stock Exchange, Baltic Bond List
ISIN Code: XS2393742122
Nominal value: € 1,000
Number of securities: 200,000
Aggregate principal amount: € 200,000,000
Issue date: November 22, 2021
Maturity date: November 22, 2026
Annual Interest Rate: 1.625 %
Interest Payment Dates: 22 November each year
Listing date: 22 November 2021 Euronext Dublin, Official List
26 November 2021 Nasdaq Riga Stock Exchange, Baltic Bond List
Rating: Baa3 (Moody's)
Prospectus and related information: Base prospectus
Articles of association (as the same may be updated from time to time)
Agency Agreement
Deed of Covenant
Financial Statements


EUR 25,000,000 Second Unsecured Subordinated Bonds Programme of AS "Citadele banka"

Issuer: AS Citadele banka
Regulated market: Nasdaq Riga Stock Exchange, Baltic Bond List
ISIN Code: LV0000880011
Nominal value: € 10,000
Number of securities: 2,000
Aggregate principal amount: € 20,000,000
Issue date: November 24, 2017
Maturity date: November 24, 2027
Annual Interest Rate: 5.50%
Interest Payment Dates: 24 November and 24 May each year
Listing date: 29 November 2017
Rating: Not rated
Prospectus and related information: Final Terms of the First tranche of the First series and Issue Specific Summary in English, Latvian and Lithuanian,
Initial Final Terms of the First tranche of the First series and Issue Specific Summary in English, Latvian and Lithuanian,
Base prospectus